And now, the number 8 and the number 9 church killers that far too many “Christians’” across the country participate in. Does this make us accomplices to murdering the Bride of Christ?
Nobody wants to hear it put that way, but it happens to the tune of thousands of churches a month breathing their last.
Without further adeu, 2 more of Tejado Hanchell’s “Ways members kill a church.” Scroll down to previous post’s for all the others.
8. Do nothing more than absolutely necessary.
Show up, go home, but don’t be an active, engaged member of the church. It’s hard to reach “the least of these” when we’re only doing the least we can do.
The sad reality, however, is that most people who only want to do the least, love to criticize those who are doing the most! They howl about how the church is being run by a clique, when they never offered or took initiative to get any work done.
They just stand on the sideline and watch the church die. At the very least, they are an accessory to the murder.9. Hold back on your giving to the Lord.
It takes money to do ministry — especially to do mercy ministry for the underserved in our communities. Tim Keller says that “Mercy ministry is expensive.” When we hold back on our giving to the Lord and His work, we are limiting the work that can be done through the local church.
Additionally, since there are operational costs associated with a church or ministry, a lack of giving can lead to the church being foreclosed, laying off staff and other adverse results.
Some people say, “Well, all the church wants is money.” The same can be said of Walmart, yet they keep taking their money there! While I do not discount that there have been those who have abused and misused the church for financial gain, there are thousands of churches serving in their communities who are dying because of a lack of finances. When we stop giving, we are killing those churches … and the countless lives they touch each day.