This coming week will begin the most important series we’ve done in our short life as a church as we embark upon a four week series about our vision and mission called, “The Heartbeat” I’m amazed at how many people pick a church on fairly nebulous and even shallow reasons such as, “The pastor seems pretty cool,” or, “I really dig the music.” Would you get on an airplane simply because the pilot seemed pretty cool? What if you really liked the color of the airplanes and the fact that they have more business class seating than most airlines? Or perhaps they show better movies than Us Airways? Not likely right? None of us gets on a plane without knowing beyond a doubt the most important thing—“Where is this plane going?” It should be even more important in matters of eternity. Over the next 4 weeks at Impact we will answer that question (Where are we going?) with clarity and passion so that you can answer your own heart with the same as you seek to make an Impact for Jesus on this world!
We closed out our “Dream Again” series with a message entitled, “Dream Catchers.” Dream catchers are those who go on to live extraordinary lives of faith! These giants for Jesus weren’t only meant for the pages of the Bible—This can be anyone who aligns their dreams with God’s vision to reach the whole world. I’m not saying you can’t live out a dream without God, people do it all the time—but I am saying that the greatest dreams are His dream for you—the one he shaped you for, gifted you for and destined you for! My hope and prayer is that many who attended this series will reignite the dreams God gave them and trust Jesus to make it a reality!
Want to be a Dream Catcher? Then answer these five questions and you’ll be well on your way:
The Tenacity Question (How hard am I willing to go after this?)
The Fulfillment Question ( Is the journey toward realizing my dream fulfilling?)
The Alignment Question (Does y dream align with God’s Word? And, Does my dream line up with God’s greater vision for all believers?)
The Significance Question (Does the pursuit of this dream move me ever closer to God?)
The Restoration Question (Is my heart right with others?)
Want to get down to where the rubber meets the road? You don’t need to wait for enough money, enough influence or enough power. You can start pursuing the dream today by doing what Joseph did in both good times and bad:
He started where he was
He used what he had
He did what he could
Prayer continues to grow at Impact which means the best is yet to come for us as a church! If you haven’t been to the brand new prayer time I encourage you to check it out at 10:00 AM in the media room at Cuthbertson High School! There are opportunities to plug in for people at every stage of their faith journey—from long term prayer warriors to brand new believers who have never even prayer out loud before.