In case you missed it. Here is the video we used today in our kick off of, “Dream Again.”
– Great to see so many people all together today at 11:00 am! Thought the Panther’s game would be a drain on the crowd, but we had a good group there ready to worship and lift high the name of Jesus!
– We talked about the power of fasting today and how it helps us to press in closer to Jesus when we desperately need to hear from Him. I challenged the church to join me in a 21 day, Daniel fast in order to start the year off the best possible way. As they were leaving worship, several told me that they were going to start TODAY!
As promised, I will be posting some vital information about the Daniel fast (as well as shorter or longer fasts) later tomorrow, but for now, know this. Even a one day fast can be spiritually beneficial. If you’ve never fasted before—you might want to start with that. Also, the Daniel fast is actually a ‘partial’ fast. You do eat on the Daniel fast—it’s just limited to certain things—in a nutshell, fruits and vegetables (any seed bearing plant), but again, more on that tomorrow on this blog.
– For those of you who missed today and are interested in the upcoming Haiti mission trip. There is an important informational meeting after the service next weekend in the Cuthbertson Media room. If you are interested but did not sign up two weeks ago, just email me and I will make sure to get you on the list. But hurry, it’s looking like we will do one trip in the very late Spring/early Summer time frame and there are already 45 people signed up. Space is limited!
– We kicked off our series, “Dream Again” today with the first of four messages on the life of the biblical dreamer, Joseph. Here are a few key things from the message:
- When God gives you a dream, He will also get you ready to receive it (Think, ‘testing and trials’)
- The road to realizing your dream is filled with speed bumps.
- The race to realizing your dream is not a sprint—it’s a marathon.
- Fasting is one way to speed things up!
– Next week our new turbo charged prayer begins!—from 10:00am to 10:30am in the media room. This is for people from beginners (who have never even prayed out loud) to prayer warriors and everyone in between. Come for a time of interactive prayer (at special prayer stations set up around the room) and corporate prayer as well.