Ever go to Vegas? Play roulette or blackjack?
Maybe you’re more into the one armed bandit.
Ever wonder why it’s called a “bandit?”
Pretty easy really. “Odds are” it’s going to steal every cent you have. That’s right, in Vegas, the odds are NOT in your favor.
But here’s some really great news. When it comes to infinitely higher stakes, the odds are stacked in your favor. It’s true. More than enough studies have been done at this point. There’s no need to guess anymore. Roughly 80% of people we make a real effort to bring to church will get there!
How cool is that?!
That’s 8 out of 10 people! I’d take those odds every time!
Sadly, most Christians don’t. In spite of the odds, they don’t want to ‘risk’ the 20% chance of getting a ‘no thanks’ from someone. They simply can’t take a chance that someone might say, ‘sorry, church just isn’t for me,’ or the even more frightening, ‘I’m busy this weekend, perhaps another time.’
Sound silly? Sure it does. Christ followers have a mission to go to the lost and tell them about Jesus. One way to ‘bring’em to Jesus’ is to get them to a church where the gospel is respected and preached often—a place like Impact.
And a time like THIS Sunday.
If you are a Christ Follower, the same opportunity is offered to you that was offered to Peter. “Come follow Me (Jesus said) and I will make you fisher’s of men.”
If you aren’t getting a “yes” from someone you’ve asked for this Sunday—ask several more.
Odds are in your favor you’ll get a yes…or two.
Sunday morning the net will be cast.
Praying for a great catch!