· We closed out our “Brace for IMPACT” series today with the message, “Expand.” It was all about how a movement differs from just doing church. People are really getting it! You can follow the series on iTunes here.
· Drew and Sydney are on their way to France with YWAM! They will train there for 3 months and then have 3 months in the field. Drew hopes they will eventually land in a country where the gospel is deeply suppressed so that they can bring God’s light to where it is most dark. Our youth and leaders prayed for them last night and had a wonderful time of fellowship. Please keep Drew and Sydney in your prayers as they head out on a new adventure for Jesus!
· Last week we wrapped up the final edits on the Impact Church Bylaws and should have them up and posted on our website very soon. Special thanks to David Chadwick (Lead Pastor Forest Hills), Rusty Hayes (Lead pastor for 1st EV Free of Rockford, Ill), and Don Lough (Executive Director for Word of Life) for providing oversight and being part of the first ever advisory board of Impact Church!
· This week we will pick back up with our study through the Gospel of Luke entitled, “Rx-God’s Prescriptions for Abundant Living.” If you are not up to speed you can access all the previous messages here, or go to iTunes and look up Rob Singleton in the podcast section. All our previous and current messages are there.
· Hey Impactors? Remember that we value evangelism (God’s command to GO out and reach the lost). That’s why we will always seek to foster and invite culture. With that said, who are you going to invite THIS week to Impact? Be praying for those you know and then make the big ask. You’d be surprised how many people are just waiting for a personal invitation!