Most Christians with even a cursory understanding for the Bible are familiar with the basic 40 or 50 stories—you know, Moses and the Ten commandments, Jonah and the Great Fish, Adam and Eve in the Garden, David and Goliath, Jesus and the crucifixion and resurrection, etc. Others, who spend a bit more time in God’s Word are even familiar with Gideon putting out the fleece (twice), Samson the strongman, Jesus feeding the 5,000, the betrayal from one of the 12, etc.
But it seems like much fewer are up on the “Wannabe Followers, the Parable of the Sower, Taking up One’s Cross, The Sheep and Goats, or The Wheat and the Tares. Ask about these and you might get some blank stares.
They don’t fit the narrative that a lot of would-be Christ followers have been told. They don’t look like the picture of comfort, ease and prosperity that many have had painted for them over and over on Sunday mornings.
Nevertheless, they’re there.
And somehow they fit with the others just right—whether we see it or not—whether we’re comfortable with them or not. Like Sovereignty and Free Will, they find a way to coexist in God’s perfect economy.
I’m doing a series right now for the Impact Church launch team called, “All In.” It’s one of those series that draws praise and condemnation all at the same time. Some might even say it’s a little risky so close to our launch date.
– Won’t you risk offending some?
– Won’t some take it wrong?
– Won’t some leave over it?
As I read over those three possibilities again, I’m struck at how frequently they hover around ANY church willing to tell the truth—willing to teach the undiluted, pure Word of God—come what may. And here’s why…
Jesus was offensive.
That’s right, Jesus was offensive.
Did that offend you? If you’re thinking, “How dare you say that about my Lord!” Then you just proved my point. And you may not know the risen Lord as well as you think you do. For example, check out Matt. 13:57 “And they took offense at him. But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown and in his own household.”
And then take a look at, Matthew 21:42-45, “42 Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures:
“‘The stone the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
the Lord has done this,
and it is marvelous in our eyes’[a]?43 “Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit. 44 Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed.”[b]
45 When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard Jesus’ parables, they knew he was talking about them.
And there are a lot more texts like these that say even more bluntly that Jesus, His Words, His mission, His actions, and His rebukes brought much opposition. And, as we read about the last week of His life alone—we see how true that was. Tens of thousands loved him and had a parade for Him on day one of that week. Five days later, thousands—including many of those from the parade—were so offended by Him, they cried out for His execution.
That’s the bad news.
Now for the good news.
Those who surrendered all to Him found perfect peace, unfathomable joy, a God sized heart, and a new family that beats any family this world has ever produced!
So, who are the 300? Look again at the title of this post…It’s “The 300.” So who are they? Well, they are one of the groups of “All In” people the Bible talks about. They were the final number of a group that began at 32,000! 300 from 32,000!!
Those are terrible odds!
Not when your leader is the God of Angel Armies!!!
Oh, and not when those 300 are “All In!”
One more thing. There was another group of 300 in history that proved what an All In mind set can do.
I’m of course referring to the 300 who held Thermopylae against…
Ready for this?
King Xerxes’s Persian Army
Fleet crew: 517,610
Infantry: 1,700,000
Cavalry: 80,000
Arabs and Libyans: 20,000
Greek allies: 324,000
Total: 2,641,610
Now, not all went up against the 300 in that narrow pass. But at least 100,000 did! But the 300 held.
That’s amazing!
And would never have happened with a group half in, or 75% in—even with a group 99% in. It was “All IN” or nothing.
And that’s what God wants from each of us.
Are you “All In?”