Champions of the Week


This week we were all introduced to a group of young people willing to step out and serve at a moment’s notice! I first noticed them two weekends ago when we had a powerful time of prayer after the service and had an immediate need for mature believers to step forward and pray for the dozens stepping out for prayer. Among the first were 2 young ladies I’d never seen at Impact before—Emily and Kara (as I later discovered). They are two DTS leaders at YWAM Monroe (YWAM stands for, Youth With A Mission).

On only their second week at Impact, they (along with Drew Podrebarek) answered another urgent call for help in scripture reading and singing for praise and worship. Drew and his fiancé, Sidney also stepped forward to help with our students ministry. In fact, all of them willing to serve wherever asked, no matter how up front or behind the scenes the need. This is what they teach at YWAM and they should be very proud because it’s paid of in at least two individuals—though I highly suspect hundreds more!

Thanks to all who tirelessly serve at Impact Church!