- I’m so glad we didn’t cancel church today—holiday weekend or no! A good number of folks turned out—even some for the first time whose regular churches were shut down for the great blizzard of 2013. As it turns out, it was a message many married and engaged folks needed to hear! In a day and culture where marriage is belittled and redefined, it’s nice to know that not only are God’s plans for marriage still relevant today but they’re also still best!
- Made the announcement today of the addition of the second member of the Impact Staff Team—our new worship leader, Will Retherford! You can learn more about him @ willretherfordmusic.com or by checking out his Facebook page here. Oh, and make sure you join us on Sunday, March 3rd for a welcome party for both he and Charis!
- Today, in the second installment of our “Vintage Love” series we showed a very retro video of the “Wonder Years” for Michelle and me. For those of you who missed it, here it is again, finally…
- No, I’m not really that bad!
- Some take-aways from the message that all married folks should check out are
- When you got married did you lock the door from the outside? If you’ve never viewed marriage that way—it’s not to late to change your thinking.
- Take the word, “divorce” out of your vocabulary. God hates divorce. It’s not a plan ‘B.’
- Delete your high school flame from Facebook! Seriously, what were you thinking?!
- Remarried? Get your EX off Facebook. You’re going in a new direction now. If your Ex is really your friend then you’d still be married! I know. I know. Some will argue about this one, but the Bible says we are to “leave and cleave…the 2 shall become 1 flesh.” That’s the “2” will become 1 flesh, not the ‘3’ or ‘4.’ Just saying.
- For some, you might have to get rid of Facebook altogether. The simple facts are, the rate of infidelity has skyrocketed with the rise of Facebook. If this last one (or #4) gets you riled up—ask yourself why.
- Miss the message? You can get our podcasts here.
* If you want to know more about Impact Church, send me an email at pastorrob@impactchurchlive.com and we’ll make sure to keep you in the loop!