Today I was just amazed at how many of our Impactors arrive early and stay late to serve. There were red shirts everywhere! What better application of “every member is a minister” could there possibly be? And all ages join in on this. There were seniors and little children alike setting up the drapes and chairs, the sound equipment and the children’s rooms. I’ve heard it said that the greatest sign of a vibrant and healthy church is how many of its people serve. At Impact, it’s nearly everyone!
Tonight I thought I’d let some of them take center stage and, as a picture says a thousand words—I’ll tell it in pictures…
It all starts with prayer
The adult (early morning group)
The Students
The Parking Team
Drapes and all the Band stuff being set up
Chairs coming out
Rooms getting set up for kids


People starting to arrive
More people arriving!
Worship Begins
Some of the kids join us each week!
The Preaching of God’s Word
The Ministry Fair
Tear down
More pictures coming!