Again, with a church full of champions—I couldn’t be more thrilled about where Impact is going. Even so, some give so much and seek so little for themselves that their efforts touch nearly everyone.
One such person is Wendy Poovey.
Hardly a day goes by that I don’t here something great about our ministry to preschool and elementary aged children called, Impact Kidz—today was no exception. During lunch with two impactors I asked (as I often do) them to tell me a bit of “their story” as well as what they like so much about Impact Church. One of them did not hesitate to say that he was incredibly impressed with the ministry Impact has to children of all ages. He says he is a behind the scenes “observer” of systems and people and has long looked at every aspect of our children’s ministry to see where he could help. Today he said, “It’s perfect as far as I’m concerned! They are doing an incredible job!”
Wendy is a huge reason why!
Thanks for all you do for our kids, Wendy!