– Another great weekend with more and more people joining the Impact Launch Team! Today was the largest Sunday yet!
– We put the Christmas Eve tickets out today and more than half are gone! Hurry and get your yours (They’re free of course) so we can begin to gauge how many are coming to each service (The 4 or the 6:00pm). Remember to get tickets for everyone in your party (you as well as your family and your guests—not just your guests!) so that we won’t be off by hundreds of people!
– I’m thrilled to already be looking forward to starting the “Orange Curriculum” for our children @ Impact! It’s one that ties the whole family together around the learning of the Bible and living out its truth. Target date is the first of January.
– Last Sunday night there were more than 40 student girls and their mothers for the Singleton Ornament exchange. They had a blast! Didn’t know girls could get so competitive over ornaments.
– Tonight was the guy’s turn and about the same amount came out for that! However, guys don’t get into ornament exchanges so we had a white elephant gift exchange and it was a blast! Just to let you know how different the two groups are, the girls ended the night watching the mid-season finale of “Once Upon a Time.” What did the boys watch? The, “Duck Dynasty Christmas Special.” Since I stayed to help Michelle at the girl’s party I ended up watching both. Guys? I’m definitely with you on this one!
It’s awesome what God’s doing in the lives of our youth! Friends, to be in week 10 of a launch team and have more than 40 students (not to mention the dozen or so who haven’t made it to a youth gathering yet) with more arriving every week is a great sign of things to come! We’re serious about reaching this generation for Christ and not naïve enough to think we can do that without the students themselves leading the way. I’m proud of our Impact Students!
– Week 2 of our Christmas series, “Christmas Reset” went great! I’m really sensing people are refocusing, rebooting and resetting their lives around Jesus @Impact. I’m praying God will bless them for it. You can find the message on iTunes by going to their podcast section and typing in Rob Singleton. This week’s message was called, “Resetting LOVE.”