Seven of the Dumbest Things Christians Say — #5

First of all, if you’re just joining us, you’re several dumb statements behind. You can catch the last one here and the one before that here. I’m sure you can track down the first 2 after that. You’re sharp!

Now, without further adieu, dumb statement number 5…

“I’m Not Being Fed!”

Why is this dumb?

Uh, for starters, if someone is old enough to utter the phrase, “I’m not being fed” – all grammatically correct and everything—then I’m going to go waaaaay out on a limb—I’m talking, crawling over Shirley McClain to the last 12 inches of branch far—and assume this bloviating individual can also grip a spoon and guide the Gerbers on in for a landing. It’s just a theory, mind you—but I really do think I have a case.

Listen, I get it. I really do. Uttering the words, “I’m not being fed” in the presence of other believers may sound high brow to some—I mean, perhaps the listeners will pause and wonder if their “easy grasp” of what the preacher is saying is really a sign that they’re only licking the salt off the top and perhaps missing the juicy steak altogether.

On the other hand, the forced hunger strikers just might know something the rest of us don’t. Perhaps there’s a magical level of sanctification that only comes to those who show up in a high chair with a bib on and demand that the speaker assume the role of Barney the Dinosaur and sing song spiritual truths right into their soul.

Nah, they’re just lazy.

May I suggest a different approach?

Instead of relying on one meal a week to grow you into a spiritual giant, start viewing the weekend message from your pastor as the first meal of the week—sort of a spiritual jumping off point. From there, develop your own relationship with the Savior and feed on the Word (the Bible) constantly on your own.

The bottom-line is this, how long would you or I last if we only ate one meal a week?

Answer = Not long.

Many seem not to realize that the same principle applies to our spiritual health. Sure, we might look fit as a fiddle on the outside, but inside, one spiritual meal a week—spoon fed or not—will kill you. You may be smiling, talking and even walking around but my bet is your just one of the walking dead.

BTW…As a pastor I am very convicted that the meal I serve up needs to be meat and potatoes rather than twinkies and a sippy cup. Therefore, when people say they aren’t being fed at a church serving up Krispy Kream donuts week in and week out–they’re right. And they have every right to demand more. Jesus told Peter three times to make sure and “feed My sheep.” But again, if you’re treating that one meal each week like the super Elven bread (Lembas) from Lord of the rings–one bite could sustain you for days–then you’re in for some pretty lean times spiritually.

Just saying.


* One more thing on this…One sign that you have a really healthy church is that it’s filled with self feeders. I’m thrilled to tell you that I’ve never heard so much as a hint of the, “I’m not being fed” mentality at Impact Church! And they’re a hungry group!

* If you want to know more about Impact Church, send me an email at and we’ll make sure to keep you in the loop!