Seven of the Dumbest Things Christians Say– #4

Here’s Dumb Statement Number 4…

“If so and so doesn’t win the election—We’re Doomed!”


if party A doesn’t regain control—we’re doomed!


if party B doesn’t regain control—we’re doomed!

Whether it’s a political party, president, majority in congress or the senate, certain denomination or theological position, people seem convinced that utopia depends on such “human institutions.” And they’ll often reveal their position with statements (like I’ve heard all day ALL over social media sites and through personal contacts) such as, “Well, now that so and so was elected, America is doomed!”

It’s not that this statement is patently false. It may very well be true—likely is. But the problem I have with it is that it leaves out a very powerful factor and person…


Do we believe or do we not believe that God is on His throne? In control? Not caught off guard? Not currently loosing to Satan?

To hear some Christians talking this morning I’d have to say they believe God has fallen off His throne and He can’t get up!


Look, I believe, like a lot of others, that Christians need to get involved, vote, take back America, further Christian values—all of that. But I don’t believe that the person in the White House has any bearing whatsoever on the God of the universe—except for one thing…

And I warn you, some of you are not going to like what I am about to say. In fact, I predict a few of you will hit the “unsubscribe” button after this one. Fair enough—now let’s get on with it and allow the truth chips fall where they will.


The man God wanted to win—won.

Read that again.

Probably lost all my Texas readers right there—shame really, if they would have just kept right on reading I bet they would end up agreeing. Well, I’ll keep typing anyway—in the hopes they’ll cool off and return to finish it later.

Ok, here’s how I arrive at the conclusion…

  1. The Great apostle Paul wrote the following to the Christians in Rome, Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” Romans 13:1 Now read THAT again. In fact, it’s more important that you digest those words than anything I write. My words are just that—my words, but this comes straight from the Word of God. And what does it say? It tells us God is the one who orchestrates events and moves the pieces in order to bring about His desired outcome. Not man, not robo-calling millions of voters, not running a better campaign, not destroying the other candidate through negative adds, not outspending your opponent—none of that will put someone in the seat of power and authority unless God allows it.

I know some of you probably aren’t happy with that answer. I get it, it probably raises a lot more questions than it answers. But it’s also true. God is sovereign and nothing gets by Him undetected.

Which leads me to my second reason…

  1. God IS sovereign.

Well is He? Or isn’t He? You can’t have it both ways. Either God really can “work all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose…” or He can’t

Some of you are thinking, “But I don’t like the values of President Obama! I don’t even think he’s a Christian!” Others may even think he’s more of a Muslim—believe me, I, like you, have probably heard it all. But, in saying this, what are you indirectly implying about God? –That He somehow didn’t read the president’s full resume? If you believe this way, let me challenge you to read the Lord’s resume—the Bible. In it you will see God not only used godly men and women to accomplish His will but also ungodly ones and occasionally He’d even throw in a talking donkey to boot!

God can use anyone, but cannot be truly “used” by anyone. The Lord does whatever He wills.

And it always works together perfectly.

And don’t make the mistake of thinking this post is actually a commentary on our president’s character either—it’s not. At any rate, that would get us way off track. This is a post about who’s ultimately in control and when, if ever, we are actually “doomed.”

BTW, if it’s a Christian all the millions of us evangelicals really insist on—why’d we end up with a Mormon? Was it a compromise? A strategic move? A half step? The lessor of many evils? Best of the lot? The offering of a moderate over a surely unpalatable, far right conservative?

None of the above…or all.

One thing I believe was that it really came down to a collective belief that the world and all of eternity rises and falls on whether or not we have the “right people” leading. Not the right “God,” but the right “man, party, religion,” or “philosophy” at the helm.

Now, to let you know I’m not the only one who thinks this is stinkin thinkin for Christ Followers. I’ll let a post my friend, Perry Noble wrote over 5 years ago take us home…

“… Should we have a political opinion as Christians?  HECK YES!  Should we vote?  ABSOLUTELY!  I think a Christian who doesn’t vote is completely missing an opportunity that God has blessed us with as citizens of this country.

BUT…we can’t actually think that the salvation process is tied to who happens to be in the White House!

In reading through the Gospels the other day something HIT ME like a ton of bricks…the Jews missed the fact that Jesus was the Messiah because they were looking for someone to deliver them from the politics of Rome.

Let me say it more clearly—they missed Jesus because of politics!!!  (And religion as well…but that’s another post!)
For a Christian to claim that the world is going to be doomed to hell because a particular party happens to “control” the White House is a slap in the face of a Sovereign God.

He reigns!  Read through Scripture & it is so clear…God has used kings and princes that were sold out to Him…and He’s also used those who had no love for Him at all…all for HIS glory!

So…next Tuesday…go vote!  “For who,” you ask…well, here’s an idea…ask Jesus who to vote for…and then do what He says.  (Yes, it REALLY is that simple.)

Then…whoever gets elected…PRAY FOR THAT MAN OFTEN!  Even if the guy you want to win doesn’t…all the more reason to pray!

One more time…YES, we should have political opinions…and YES, it is OK if they are strong AND we believe in the cause…BUT PLEASE let’s not make the mistake of thinking that God is somehow limited by the policies and philosophies of a particular party!

HE REIGNS!  Always has, always will!”