Bet I got you with that title, huh?
Is pastor Rob going to break the law? Is he going to mix church and state, preach politics, choose a candidate?
If you had these thoughts, you’re in for a bit of a disappointment—but probably not for the reasons you think. Let me count the reasons. Let me name them one by one…
- First, no, pastor Rob is not going to “break the law” primarily because there is no law against pastors having a political opinion, or EVEN against them preaching about it. Bet a lot of you didn’t know that, huh? But it’s true. Consider the following,
The First Amendment to the United States Constitution protects a church’s right to speak out on the moral issues affecting society. In addition, while the Internal Revenue Code prohibits churches from assessing the qualifications of specific candidates for public office, it does not infringe upon a church’s inherent right to speak out on the morality of specific political issues.
The Supreme Court has unequivocally found that religious speech is at the apex of protected speech under the First Amendment.
It’s so sad to me that tens of thousands of pastors have basically wimped out for no more reason than that it might affect their tax status.
- Second, how bout mixing church and state? If you’re waiting with a dime store pair of handcuffs to make a citizen’s arrest on me @ Impact Church this Sunday. You’ll have to get past the 6 officers the Lord has already blessed us with—North Carolina’s finest! Because, they know (as all of us should) that there actually is not law demanding the separation of church and state, no amendment, not even a cub scout creed.
“Not true, pastor Rob! I’ve heard about it all my life! It’s right there in the US constitution!”
Show me.
Times up. My bet is you couldn’t find it. Why? Because it’s not in there, Einstein! Instead of all of us taking politicians and the medias word for it—we should have just checked ourselves. I did. Nope, not there.
Here’s what is (there)…
“…Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”
Hmm. Sounds a lot more like a clause meant to protect religious freedom than an insert meant to uphold corrupt governments from accountability.
But, I suppose that’s open to a bit of interpretation—some leeway. Not enough, however, to somehow arrive at the conclusion that government can dictate what Christians can and cannot say.
Nough said. You know I’m right.
- Third, how about ‘choosing a candidate?’
Honestly, the law doesn’t forbid me from picking at all. The IRS might, but not our constitution.
“Yeah! Go get’em, pastor Rob! We’re behind you all the way. We even promise to visit you in jail!”
Thanks, really. But we may be a little off track. I won’t be endorsing a candidate for an entirely different reason.
People are flawed. God’s Word is perfect.
People make promises and break them all the time. Politicians tend to be people pleasers too—sticking their finger in the wind to see which way the breeze of approval is blowing on any given day. Put your faith in man and you will be disappointed every time.
Not so with God.
So what’s my recommendation for you as you go out to vote today?
- Go out and vote today! Don’t be a lazy couch potato! Your vote matters!
- Vote according to biblical values
It’s that easy.
Kinda disappointed?
Don’t be. Face the truth instead. We will never bring about utopia through politics. Neither republicans nor democrats can change the world for good. That takes a force much greater than either.
It takes love.
It takes forgiveness, grace and mercy.
It takes the gospel.
It takes Jesus.
* I will resume with my, “Seven Dumb Things Christians Say” series tomorrow.