Or, Mark the body?
I’m talking about he local church—your own fellowship. What’s the best thing one can do to strengthen the Bride of Christ?
I think most believers make a crucial mistake here by zooming in immediately and exclusively on discipleship. They get it partly right, because discipleship is one of the 5 pillars of purpose that come from the great commission and the great commandment. However, tunnel vision on discipleship usually blinds one to evangelism and frequently quells a heart for giving as well. This often happens when we forget that in order to have pre-disciple candidates, we first need lost people to share the good news with–who then become baby Christians in need of discipleship.
Otherwise, who exactly are we discipling?
Lost people can’t be discipled. So, if we’re not evangelistic then the only discipleship we can do is on ourselves–over and over again. Or, perhaps other Christians who hop from church to church to church–a reshuffling of the deck if you will.
And giving takes a hit because focus on discipleship alone (without outreach and giving) is, by its very nature, self absorbing and all encompassing. For discipleship to be passionate and effective, you need to add both a heart for the lost and a generous spirit toward those in need.
When you focus on all three, watch the effectiveness of the sanctification process in your church soar!
Because you’re following with your heart rather than just following a set of rules.
Try it. I bet you’ll see a difference.