Sunday Evening Mind Dump!

  • God continues to grow the Impact Launch team! This week we added nearly 50 more people! We did the same last week, and the week before that! Can it continue like this? Only God knows. But we pray it does because the larger, stronger, more focused and sold out the launch team, the more impactful the launch! What matters most is that God continues to bring godly, fully committed followers of Jesus to our team—those who share a love for the lost, a desire to go deeper in their faith, and a commitment to be more than mere fans of Jesus. You all are embracing the DNA of Impact Church and God is already doing something special in our midst. Keep praying, trusting and gathering with one another to learn the vision and embrace the mission. Remember, “There’s power in together!”
  • Thank you to both Pastor David Chadwick and the godly elders at Forest! Hill Church. Your continued belief and support means the world to me!
  • And thanks again to Pastor Steven Furtick and Executive Pastor Chunks Corbett as well. You always believe the best, hope for the best and love the deepest a fellow minister and brother in Christ! Your support has carried me through some difficult valleys! You rock!
  • Can’t wait to launch the Impact Lifegroups next week! We have enough leaders right now to get at least the first 100 in groups (though they will be more midsize to start with than small) and training will get underway very quickly to accommodate a whole lot more. Be patient, we are committed to connecting everyone as soon as possible. In the meantime, be sure and check with Pete and Lisa Maciver at the Impact Groups booth this weekend to sign up! Also, if you have experience leading small groups, let us know and we will get you started in the interview and training process just as soon as we can. Again, your patience is greatly appreciated.
  • Remember that next week we will not be at the clubhouse in Lake Forest! Be sure and check the connecting email for times and locations.
  • Remember your homework for this week? Be praying about what ministry to get involved with—everyone together! We want 100% of the launch team to be involved in some kind of ministry. Why? Because God’s Word teaches us that  ‘every member is a minister!’ So, this coming week we will be having a mini ministry fair to help plug everyone in according to their giftedness asap!
  • Looking forward to a day with my two favorite young people in the world (my son and daughter) tomorrow–Nathan and Juliana! They have the next 2 days off school so we are going to take the 2 Labrador retrievers and hike into the great tundra! Or, to save on gas–maybe just Francis Beatty Park!
  • Never thought this thing would take off like this. Never in my wildest dreams! I’m reminded of where God’s Word says, We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps,” Pr. 16:9. My family and I thought the Lord would surely lead us away—moving, up-rooting—off to take the helm of an established church full of hungry Christ followers ready to charge Hell with water pistols if God asked. In fact, several such opportunities appeared almost immediately, but we had no peace about it. Why? Because the vision God laid on my heart so many years ago was not finished. However, to stay and start over from nothing seemed completely nuts! When the Lord first began prodding our hearts with the notion, my wife and I had only one conceivable reply…”No way!” Seems God had a different plan. He won. Both Michelle and I have never prayed and fasted so much in all our lives. And at the end of it the path was clear and it lead straight to Impact Church and the most wonderful group of people we have ever had the privilege of serving with! We love you, Impactors! If the last several weeks are any indication of how it’s going to be then I can’t wait! Hold on for the ride of your life because the best is yet to come!  You all rock!