Sunday Evening Mind Dump!

  • Thank you SOOOOOO much to all the wonderful and generous people of Impact for your gifts to the Singleton family today! We were so very moved by the love and support we felt and especially the kind words we read in the cards and letters! Michelle and I feel it’s one of the greatest blessings of our lives so far to be partnering up with you all for this mission called Impact Church!
  • Another remarkable day of worship with the Impact Church Launch Team! Every week it grows substantially as God keeps bringing in people who want to make a lasting impact for Christ! Remember to invite for this final weekend at the clubhouse—can’t wait to see what God does this coming week!
  • Very cool to see people in the overflow room and even those willing to stand for the entire service—and that’s saying a lot knowing how long winded I can be! And thanks for giving up your seat for the newest folks! Also, this is the reason that our final week at the Lake Forest clubhouse we will be having two services—one at 9:00 and one at 11:00. I strongly encourage those who can to come to the 11:00 as most will be used to the 9:00 and probably attempt to go to that. Also, as we strive to evenly distribute folks we are asking those with a last name beginning with the letters A – M to go to the 9:00 and those with N – Z to go to the 11:00. Again, not mandatory, but this would help a lot!
  • Had our first youth event tonight and it was a blast! Over 60 folks showed up to kick off the first of many gatherings for our Impact Students. It’s great to see young people so fired up about being a part of launching a ministry instead of just attending one. These kids will be in on the ground floor of something life-changing and I’m sure it will impact them for the rest of their lives. Thanks to Kitty Hinkle and the Rayborns for stepping up to facilitate this vital ministry. God has blessed us with a disproportionately high amount of students—we are going to make sure that they learn quickly to center their lives around Jesus and then live to make an impact for His kingdom! What else could be more important than this?
  • Finally, there are so many people to thank. During communion today I was really moved as I looked around and saw all the talented and loving people God had already brought together to form the Impact Church Launch Team. This thing hasn’t even gone ‘LIVE’ yet—can you imagine how exciting that day will be?!
  • I love my Impact Church Family. My role as pastor here is not a job in the least—it’s a privilege and an honor! And every time we gather I am reminded of how gracious and awesome our God is! He doesn’t have to use me. He can use anyone and I know that. But God is a God who choices to use flawed and imperfect people to accomplish his pure and perfect will. If that doesn’t send your heart soaring—not sure what will except this…The best is YET to come!

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