What a week @ Southbrook Church! First, we saw the return of a group of 15 folks who hiked to the peaks of the mountains of Peru in order to bring hundreds of Bibles to the Quechua people—Bibles in their very own language! Imagine the thrill to hand a new believer the very Word of God in their language that until now had never been translated! I think my family just might have to do this trip next year!
We also had our third annual volunteer appreciation night (otherwise known around here as, “Rave”) and the biggest group yet turned out to be honored by the staff of Southbrook Church.
I remember the days when we decided the summer wasn’t a good time to have our Southbrook Partnership Class 101 (formerly known as the ‘membership’ class) but so far 30 people have gone through and we’re not even a third of the way through summer! At the rate we’ve been going Southbrook should have around 300 new covenant partners this year! Praise God!
More than 50 Southbrook Students have started their ‘Summer Coffee Shop’ on Sunday night. This thing is pretty cool—better than most Starbucks you go to these days! And, if coffee and music weren’t your thing, there were card games, football out on the lawn (until the mother of all storms arrived), even a game of good ole fashioned, Battleship. Remember that one? But you know what they say, ‘a picture’s worth a thousand words. Wonder what several pictures are worth? I was never very good at math. Anyway, enjoy…