Ok, I know—this “part 2” probably set some sort of unofficial record for the longest time between a post and its sequel. Nevertheless, here is a link to part on1 and then you can go on to read part two. Sound good?
It’s tough but fair.
Within American evangelicalism today one would think that catering to the every whim of the client, oops, I meant customer, no wait, that’s not right either—how about church shopper? No, hmm. How bout we just go with, “the lost?” Admit it, that last one is offensive isn’t it? Where do Christians get off calling people lost?
Well, for starters, as ‘former lost people’ many Christians still have a deep sense of gratefulness and relief for the One who found them. If they’re truly a Christ follower, they understand exactly what was at stake—namely, their eternal soul. The, with one ginormous act of love and sacrifice, the Son of God paved the way home with His very own blood.
Admit it, that’s HUGE!
So it’s really not all that bizarre that we Christians would occasionally open our spiritual eyes and see the hopeless and dark destination of those in our lives who are still lost and—dare I say it?—actually care. And I mean really, really care—not just about whether they are comfortable on their way to Hell, not just about hurting their feelings when we point out the truth, not just about whether they are living life as best as they can without God, not just about protecting their hopelessly flawed spiritual tolerance and definitely not about crumbling their incredibly fragile pluralistic house of cards.
No, I’m talking about loving and caring so much for them that we simply will not stop haring with them of the love of Christ and His rescue mission two thousand years ago—not until they are safely rescued themselves or tell us to drop dead. I’ve had both happen to me but the good news is the second response is really rather rare.
My point in all of this
Sometimes (read here, “always!”) coddling people and dancing around the truth isn’t the best thing we can do for those we care about. Medicine can be hard to swallow at first, but getting well usually ends up worth it, right?
So, why Didn’t Lot Just Plant a Post Modern/Emergent, Relevant, Seeker Sensitive, Contemporary, Tolerant, Media Driven Church in Sodom?
There are many reasons actually…
- He’s already spent many years with the people of Sodom being, “seeker sensitive” to no avail.
- He’s already watched each and every one of his godly values get trampled on by the people of Sodom as they pressured Him and his family to adjust to their godless lifestyle instead.
- Lot sat on the city council yet not one of his godly proposals were ever seriously considered let alone implemented. Thus he was nothing more than a token member.
- After the Lord said he would spare Sodom if even 10 godly people could be found, Lot’s uncle, Abraham resigned himself to the truth that the “seeker sensitive” experiment had failed in Sodom (see Genesis 18:16-33).
Friends, sometimes the nicest, most caring thing we can do for people is to give them the blunt and sobering truth in the hopes that they will see the light and turn from their evil ways toward the God who loved them so much that He even allowed His only Son to be ridiculed, tortured and killed in their place.
That’s the truth that will set you free!