Sunday Evening Mind Dump

  • Today was bitter sweet as we celebrated tremendous ministry accomplishments in Monroe over the last several years but also ended a chapter in the life of Southbrook Church. Yes, it’s true that all Monroe outreach endeavors will continue on into the future, however, the multi-site arm of Monroe is closing down. Many have bent the knee to Jesus Christ via the ministry of Monroe, and many of those went on to identify with Jesus through water baptism as well. In addition to this, The Closet ministry has helped provide cloths for over 10,000 people! The pantry pack ministry, thanksgiving outreaches, Benton Heights back pack drives, and so much more were also regular aspects of the ministry that went on through God’s people at our Monroe campus. But we need to be good stewards of what God has given us and to continue to position ourselves for multi-sites in 2013. We’ve learned alot through our first attempt, and feel pretty confident in the Lord that we can make a real go of this in the future as the primary way to spread the reach of Southbrook Church!
  • Hope to see a ton of guys come out tomorrow morning for the “Monday Morning Man Up Time!” Men, can you think of a better way to kick off each month then to gather with other men and hear a word from the Bible and a challenge to make an impact for Christ? Me either. I guess that means we can count on seeing you there bright and early (6:15 for donuts and coffee and 6:30 to 7:15 for the teaching time)!
  • Everyone remember the 10 things for a healthy/impactful church? If you missed them, make sure you listen to the podcast which should be out no later than Tuesday (maybe sooner if we’re lucky J ).
  • Because we are committed to running our 4 discipleship “Impact Classes” each week of the month—rain or shine, healthy or sick—I filmed a video rendition to be used on the occasions when there is a scheduling conflict, speaking engagement, or am otherwise out of pocket. In fact, that is what happened today as I left after the second service to join the Southbrook Monroe folks for their celebration lunch (looking back on all that God has done!). I have to admit, I was a bit apprehensive about how the class attendees would feel about it once they discovered it was a “video day” rather than a live class. Well, guess what? There is one section where I always go over the gospel and present an opportunity for those in the class to respond to Christ’s gift of salvation. Today 1 woman received Christ even though the entire invitation was via video! Isn’t that just like God to remind us that it is HE who does the wooing?! Praise God for our newest sister in Christ!
  • Told the church about “Friend’s Day” coming up in just 2 sort weeks. We haven’t done one of these things in YEARS! My hope and prayer is that each and every person who calls Southbrook Church home will bring a friend on that special day! Could you imagine? The place will be rocking and I’m absolutely positive that most of our guests will want to return once they witness the love and warmth of the Southbrook family, worship with Greg and the gang, and hear an uncompromising message straight from God’s Word. It could be HUGE! And all you have to do is ring a friend—one itty, bitty friend. You can do it! But you better get crack-o-lacking!
  • More pictures from the lunch @ Monroe