- Kicked off a mini-series on the book of Jude today. I called it, “Hey Jude.” It was just too easy to name. What began as a desire to teach one of the short books (because we only had a two week gap before our annual, March “Impact Series” began) quickly landed on Jude once I discovered that the book seemed almost “blacklisted” by pastors across the globe. Seriously, I have at least 50 teachers/preachers on my rotating podcast list and I only found ONE who taught through the book of Jude—ONE! And that was John Piper, who actually skipped more than half the verses! Naturally, that got my curiosity going even more, so I dove in deeply to this fascinating book and fell in love with it all over again! It’s a gutsy, courageous letter essentially calling a spade a spade—something that’s a bit of a “no-no” in our current PC culture. Well, if you know anything about me, you’ll realize quickly that the worst thing you can do if you don’t want me talking about something is to say that it is “controversial” and that I really should avoid it or people “might get upset.” Talk like that practically guarantees that I will preach about it. Listen, Jesus is controversial! Scripture refers to Him as a “stumbling stone!” Check out what the apostle Paul said in Romans 9:33 about Isaiah 9:14,
“31 but the people of Israel, who pursued the law as the way of righteousness, have not attained their goal. 32 Why not? Because they pursued it not by faith but as if it were by works. They stumbled over the stumbling stone. 33 As it is written:
“See, I lay in Zion a stone that causes people to stumble
and a rock that makes them fall,
and the one who believes in him will never be put to shame.”
Truth is, Jesus is offensive to many. “How so?” You say. Well, for starters, He tends to talk about what so many of us try so hard to cover up. His light exposes whatever we keep hidden in the dark recesses of our hearts. Not to expose us—but rather to cleanse us and make us new.
- So proud of the Southbrook family! You’re making an impact! Allow me to share with you just one recent story. I received an email from a pastor who shared of a very personal and lonely trial he was going through in which he took a three month sabbatical from his church in another part of the country in order to determine whether or not he would ever return to ministry again. You see, he and his family had repeatedly given all they had only to be hurt over and over again—He was wondering if he could ever make a real impact or if any church could in this cynical day and age in which we live. I want to honor him by not mentioning his name since he has decided to go back after spending those three months here in Charlotte, and @ Southbrook Church. He said our church showed him in every way what a dynamic, loving, Spirit filled group of people, united in vision and purpose could accomplish for Jesus Christ! He arrived during our “Better with You” marriage series and was inspired to preach about marriage once again. He was here to witness 244 people give their lives to Jesus during our Christmas Eve services and it fired him up to preach the gospel more. He participated in two different Lifegroups while here and recommitted himself to making his church a church of small groups rather than simply a church “with” small groups. But most importantly, he said that he saw Jesus constantly reflected in the lives of the people of Southbrook! Don’t know if I have ever been so proud to be called your pastor! Thanks for living it out! And thanks for leaving a mark for Christ on a fellow pastor who will now go home re-energized and more committed than ever to impact his area for Jesus!
- Over 100 volunteers showed up for The Closet ministries latest outreach to the good people of Monroe! Did you hear that?! ONE HUNDRED volunteers! Thanks so much to everyone who served! You have left a permanent mark on the people of Monroe for Jesus Christ!
- Haven’t forgotten my “BumRap” blog series. Part 2 will be out tomorrow.