- Today we kicked off a 3 week series entitled, “Genome.” The gist is this…Each and every one of us was created with a unique and defining set of DNA which contains the genetic code that determines eye color, height, looks, personality tendencies, hair color and so much more. In short, it’s the stuff that makes you uniquely you. But did you know that when we are born again God gives us a whole new Spiritual Genome? The Bible puts it this way…
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17
Isn’t that AWESOME?!
Well it should be. Think about it. With God powered DNA each son or daughter of the King has the potential to be an unstoppable force for the advancement of His Kingdom! Sadly, few ever realize that potential—thus the series, “Genome.” Beginning today and for the next 2 weeks I will be showing what it is that stands between the majority of believers living mediocre lives for Christ and the vibrant Christ follower living all out for Him! Anyone who desperately desires God’s blessing on their lives needs to be there. So come the next 2 weeks and plan on bringing a friend or 12!
- God is showing us (the staff) more and more of Himself as we desperately seek Him on the “Daniel Fast.” We’re praying that God would make us an outrageously generous church that draws the lost like a magnet! We want to go over the top in fulfilling the Great Commission Jesus charged all believers with. You can find it here.
- I let the Cat out of the Bag in regards to what the secret to god’s blessing is, so I don’t suppose it would do any harm to mention it again here. The secret is to tap into one particular gene in our new spiritual Genome given to us as believers. What’s that gene you ask? The “Generosity Gene.” And to tell you the truth, it’s not even that much of a secret—it’s actually all over the Bible from Genesis to Revelation—It’s next to impossible to miss! Yet most miss it nonetheless. But think about it. If we want to live powerful, victorious lives for Christ then it logically follows that we need to stay very close to the source of all that power—we need to stay connected to Jesus—He ain’t kidding when He says that ‘apart from Him we can do (ready for this?)…NOTHING!” Spiritually speaking that is. Oh we might appear to be making a mark on this world, but I guarantee you it won’t be for God if we are not close to Christ—no, it will be for ourselves and as such, the mark we leave won’t last. No, if you want to make a mark (leave a legacy) that will last long after you’re gone then you have to leave it like God did through Christ.
And how was that?
Glad you asked. The answer has actually been right under our noses all along (or, in the case of Tim Tebow—right under his eyes). It’s John 3:16, which says,
“For God so loved the world that He GAVE His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him would not perish but have everlasting life!”
That’s right, our God is first and foremost a generous God. If we want to make a difference in this world we absolutely must be the same. And that’s no easy challenge when the world we live in constantly pulls in the opposite direction. But we’re dealing with all this @Southbrook Church these 3 weeks and I can tell you that even after only 1 message—it’s already rockin some people’s whole world!
- Got to do one of the things I love the most after church today—take my Chocolate lab (Bear) for a walk and a swim. My daughter, Juliana brought her little lab (Paws) as well and we had a blast. Man I love getting outdoors and playing in God’s creation!
- The following are a few more things from the weekend’s message…
- Why would God trust you with what is next if He cannot trust you with what He’s telling you to do now?
- “People say you can’t out give God…I don’t see many even trying.”
- The most important gene in our entire spiritual Genome is the generosity gene.
- When it comes to being more generous, people have one of the 3 main mindsets, The Bag Mindset, The Basket Mindset, or, The Barn Mindset. Which are you? Oh, BTW, if you have no idea what I am talking about, get the podcast. It will be out by Tuesday!