Sunday Evening Mind Dump!

  • We wrapped up our, “Upgrade” series today with the message, “Upgrade Complete.” I’m thrilled at how many people at Southbrook seem ready and willing to take their Christian walk to the next level for God!
  • Today was my second favorite kind of day. Today—after making a last minute decision to have a baptism service and only getting about 8 people signed up—18 more joined them spontaneously to identify with Christ His way—through water baptism! It was a great celebration!

  • Another full house in our services today! God is growing His church! I love it when we need more chairs!
  • Love our Children’s ministry @Southbrook! Today was one of those rare occasions (i.e. “rare” because I didn’t go too long in my message!) I got to go look in on the kids shortly before our 11:00 service. Can I make a prediction? Our children’s ministry is about to go through the roof! And I for one want to give them all the resources they need to build into the little people of Southbrook Church. By March I would love to say, “They Are Fully Resourced!  Southbrook Church has been making a shift to invest heavily in our children’s and student’s ministry!  I don’t believe they are “the church of tomorrow,” I believe they are the church of TODAY!  I believe they matter right now!!  Listen, if we invest in them TODAY and teach them about Jesus TODAY and help them grow up with a favorable view of church right now (not “when they’re old enough” – whatever that means) then their tomorrow will bring great joy! What’s the alternative, really? As a pastor friend once said, “A church that refuses to spend money on reaching the next generation has basically told them they can go to hell!  Disney spends money on them!  The Cartoon Network spends money on them!  The church should spend money on them!” I couldn’t agree more. Join me in praying for the entire Southbrook Family to commit to equal sacrifice so that we can see this become a reality very soon!
  • Next week begins a series I’m chomping at the bit to do—“Genome!” I can’t tell you too much of what it’s about—the trailer should have been a pretty powerful hint. I will; however, repeat this one thing—it truly contains one secret that alone has the power to change your life. That’s why I want you to plan on being there all three weeks of it and bring a friend. You’ll be glad you did!