Sorry this has taken so long but I promise it will be worth the wait!
- Have you heard yet? 244 new brothers and sisters in Christ! That’s the biggest harvest ever at one event @Southbrook! That will never, ever get old! The final Christmas Eve service saw 86 people bend the knee to Jesus Christ! And it was a fairly small service—that means you all did great inviting friends and family who needed to know Jesus! Way to go Brookies!
- The evangelical temperature reached a fever pitch once again @Southbrook! I know I’ve been pounding the notion home over and over that we all need to be “bringers” but hopefully now you understand why. The stakes couldn’t be higher—actually greater than ‘life or death!” We’re talking eternity! Now that the culture of bringing the lost has permeated each of us—let’s keep it going right on into 2012! Keep bringing all those you know who don’t know Jesus and I promise to work harder than ever at preaching the gospel good news! Sound fair?! Cool.
- Was amazed at the turn out to serve the community of Monroe on Christmas morning! More than 200 came ready to serve whoever showed up from fireman to police and EMS to the homeless and hurting—we all sat and ate together—celebrating Jesus’ birth! Here are a couple pictures to enjoy.
- Our first ever (hopefully of many) “Christmas Online” was a hit as well! Many watched from all over and I’ve already heard what a blessing it was to people who had so few other options! Give us your feedback on what you liked, what you didn’t, how it worked, etc. We want to keep improving as we go!
- Been thrilled to see the response for this next year’s group of Mighty Men! Because of the high interest we have decided to extend the application period to Sunday, January 15th. If you want to take your walk with Jesus to the next level, than this is where you start! Don’t feel intimidated by the application process—if you’re willing to make the meetings and step up to the spiritual challenges along the way then you will get a lot out of this. On the other hand, you can’t get far if you don’t take that first step!
Looking forward to many more men stepping up for 2012!
- Along this same theme—please note that the first Monday Morning Man up of 2012 will be on the second Monday of the month rather than the first due to the holiday. Let’s start off big with a huge turn out! Plan on being there and bring a friend!
- Please join me in praying for all the new believers–some live here–others are from all over and will need to find a church so they can begin the journey to becoming more like Christ! If you know someone personally who made the decision to follow Jesus–please tell us so we can help them find a church where they live.
- @Southbrook we will be starting a brand new series for them and anyone else who wants to take their relationship with Jesus to the next level. It’s called, “Upgrade” and my prayer is that the “Bringers” of Southbrook will keep right on bringing folks for this next step of the journey. Because…
Love you, Southbrook Church!