One of my favorite weeks EVER @ Southbrook Church!
- It began spending some one on one time with Pastor Rene Joseph (The Billy Graham of Haiti) and his wife, Durentia. What an incredible couple—sold out to the building of God’s Kingdom rather than their own!
- At Tuesday’s staff meeting we were all treated to an intimate look into the life and calling of Pastor Rene and some miraculous stories of how God has been turning that nation ‘right side up’ and saving thousands! That never gets old!
- By Friday many of us were chomping at the bit to hear from another hero of mine, Pastor David Platt—the author of “Radical.” Over the last year Pastor David has started a ministry called “Secret Church” in which people from around the world gather for extended prayer and worship just as they do in countries where such gatherings are illegal. The idea is to show Americans the beauty and richness of spending quality and quantity time in God’s Word almost like God was the most important person in our lives! Imagine that. Anyway, the event started at 7:00 pm via satellite and went until 2:00 in the morning! During that time we went from Genesis to Revelation studying all that God’s Word has to say on marriage, family, relationships and the gospel. It was awesome! We are already signed up for the next Secret Church scheduled to take place on Good Friday of 2012! I hope that we will go from about 150 truly blessed participants to standing room only. Plan on being there now. You will never, ever regret it!
- Last week I challenged some of our families to give toward the crusade in 2 weeks for Haiti. 9 families have already contributed nearly $25,000! If you were one of them…THANK YOU! Your gifts will not only help make sure we reach a ton of people at the crusade, but also contribute to feeding and housing 2,000 pastors for the 3 day conference we are putting on leading into the crusade. Brookies? This is HUGE! – One of the largest evangelical events ever in Haiti! That is why I covet your prayers and support every step of the way. I can hardly wait to see what God does through us in Haiti!
- Men? You there? Hello? Good, now that I have your attention…DON”T FORGET that tomorrow morning (Weddington Student Building) at 6:15 is our “Monday Morning Man Up!” See you there for a Word from the Lord!