Getting Right with God

Nothing beats a clear, pure, holy and joyful relationship with Jesus Christ—nothing!


That’s why I have no marvel at why so many “Christians” (me included) will often delay the peace and intimacy God intends for us with weak attempts to look good before everyone else (other than God).

Consider what we so often do when we sin…


  1. Say it was “no big deal.”  [Minimize it]
  2. Say it was “someone else’s fault.” [Disburse it]
  3. “I couldn’t help it.” {Maximize it]
  4. “I’m not the only one!” [Measure it]
  5. “The devil made me do it” [Spiritualize it]
  6. “I was pressured into it.” [Empower it]
  7. “Nobody’s perfect!” [Excuse it]
  8. “I didn’t know it was wrong!” [Twist it]


I suppose there are a whole host of other things we also do rather than the one thing we should do—this list is by no means exhaustive. But I wonder why we don’t rush to do the one thing that will restore joy and peace with God?

Confess it

I John 1:9 says, If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (emphasis added).

That little two letter word makes all the difference in the world. And there’s no way to get around it. When we sin, we can’t excuse it, ignore it, shift it to others, simply find another environment (church) and start over or blame God for it. We have to own it, confess it—agree with what God says about it and then forsake it

Sound tough?

It’s the only way to get right with God.