- What a great weekend at Southbrook Church! We witnessed 80 people step out in faith and with courage to identify with Jesus HIS way—through baptism! The Lord was especially moving during the 11:00 service where people lined up out the door to proclaim the move from fan to follower!
If you’re one of them—remember what I told you—Jesus knew you would come! Are you glad you did?
- MEN?! Yes you! Tomorrow morning we kick off the year of “Monday morning Man Up’s!” Yeah, I know—It’s not the first Monday of September—but that was Labor Day so the kick off is sometimes a bit confusing as it’s always the second Monday.
Anyway, blah, blah, blah. I just hope to see a ton of you out there in the morning for the one and only “full-blown breakfast” we have each year (the others are coffee and donuts). And dads? Why don’t you bring you sons (10 and up) and show them the way? You’ll be glad you did!
- Hats off to the production team for really dressing the place up for baptisms. It’s always a special time—they made it that much better!
- Thrilled with what God is up to with the children and youth @Southbrook! Did you see how many teenagers were first to step out in faith today? The best is yet to come for them!
- If you missed the video wrap up for our Social Series—the dramatic video and the entire sermon should be up by Tuesday morning. Don’t miss it! It was powerful!
- As always, I wish I had more time to preach—God’s Word has so much to say about the difference between fans and followers but one thing I simply have to add is this. In Luke 9 there were at least 3 ‘would-be followers’ of Jesus. Bold, confident and fairly sure Jesus would be just thrilled with their offer—each proclaimed their undying loyalty to the Messiah and willingness to follow Him anywhere. Only problem? Once they found out it wouldn’t be exactly the way they envisioned it—they ‘unfollowed’ Jesus in a heartbeat. Didn’t take much either.
The first guy claimed he would go ‘anywhere’ Jesus lead him. But Jesus then informed him that the accommodations would be less than 5 star. He opted out immediately—preferring the Marriott or at least the a Best Western. Seriously? Would have been a thousand times better for that guy if he just kept his mouth shut. Material concerns kept this guy form following Jesus
The second dude, seemed more ‘leget’ – he just wanted to bury poor old dad. Can’t you just picture him leaving the funeral to catch up with Jesus and ask for just one day to get his things together? Only problem was—his dad wasn’t dead. He wasn’t even sick in all likelihood. This man is saying, “I hear Your call upon my life, Jesus, but first let me wait until my parents are no longer alive—then my obligation to them will be fulfilled.” Apparently he wasn’t too ‘leget’ to quit.
Parental obligations stood in the way of this man following Jesus.
Third guy? He wanted to have a long drawn out goodbye—you know, run things by his friends and family to make sure he wasn’t ‘going off the deep end’ by following Jesus. Wouldn’t want to be labeled a “Jesus Freak” right?
Seems there are always reasons not to follow Jesus.
Just no good ones.
See you tomorrow—bright and early!