Started our back to school series, “Social” with a bang this past weekend. Another good crowd and a lot of hunger from people desiring to take their relationship with God to the next level. God loves it when we chase after Him, so, if you really want more of Him hang on to your spiritual britches because life’s about to go into high gear!
The first message in this series will set the tone for the rest of the series so, incase you missed it, click HERE and watch online or go to the Southbrook podcast page on iTunes and download the message so we’re all on the same page moving forward!
Yes, the video element we used was an in house production and those were all Brookies in the video. Some of asked because it was an incredibly powerful video that could easily have been used on TV—yes, it was that good. Thanks to Austin for allowing himself to be vulnerable and mightily used of God like that. And special thanks to our video production dude Jacob Fry who continues to amaze us with his gifts! If you missed it—again, get the video cast (vodcast) on iTunes or watch it from the media section of our website here.
This coming week a lot more people will be winding up summer vacations and settling in for the new school year (the week after an even greater number will do so). That means that this is one of the very best times of the entire year to invite your friends, neighbors, family or co-workers to Southbrook Church. It would be awesome if everyone made it to each and every week of this series—even better if you bring a friend!