No doubt about it—Christians have an advantage like no other. We have direct access to God! Have you ever really stopped and thought about that?
Direct access!
That means, no middle man, no middle religion and no middle set of barriers (i.e. rules and regulations, or ‘hoops’ to jump through). We don’t have to work our way up and be found worthy. We don’t have to get on a waiting list to talk to him in a dozen years or so—for 1 minute.
Direct access!
Today! Right now if you choose too!
Now, combine this magnificent truth with the curious habit of so many believers to just give God the silent treatment nearly all their lives and you have a mind numbing peculiarity.
This is like allowing your home to be foreclosed on when you have a million dollars sitting in the bank! It’s like never showing up for spring training when you’ve signed a contract to play professional ball! Oh, wait, people also do that all the time. Never mind.
But why would anyone do this (or, not do this?)? And though we deny it, our actions are a dead giveaway. For example, how many times have you or I exhausted every recourse in addressing a problem or trial only to throw our hands up in desperation and utter those common foolish words of saints throughout history, “I guess there’s noting left to do now but pray?”
Nothing left? How about talking to God first? And then all throughout?
In the Old Testament believers didn’t have it so good. They had the law as a sort of ‘middle man.’ Look at what Paul said in Galatians 3:19
“ 19 Why, then, was the law given? It was given alongside the promise to show people their sins. But the law was designed to last only until the coming of the child who was promised. God gave his law through angels to Moses, who was the mediator between God and the people.”
Before Jesus came the law pointed out the obvious for us—that we are all sinners. And a series of intermediaries stood in the gap (middle) between God and man. It was a much more cumbersome process. Now, through Jesus Christ, we who have placed our faith and trust in Him for salvation have direct access to the Father in heaven! Maybe you didn’t know? And it’s not like throwing the ace of spades in a card game. You don’t just get one chance to use it.
So use it!
Talk to God—daily.
Better yet, chase Him with all you’ve got and then get ready for the adventure of a lifetime!