The gang from our Peru mission’s trip returned over the weekend pumped as ever! This is our third trip to the Quechua people to bring them Bibles in their own language. They are ever thankful and end up being a far greater blessing to us than we could ever be to them. Our people come back changed for life!
At this same time, the third team to Haiti this year (a medical team this time) is helping the physical and spiritual needs to be met of the traumatized Haitians…and it’s working! Did you know a revival is underway in Haiti?! This country was nearly all voodoo worship and pagan only 3 years ago. Today it is more than 60 percent Christian and growing! Praise God that we are able to play a role in that as a church! Is God calling you to go? It’s not too late! If you are a Southbrook member and want to join one of the many teams heading down to Haiti to make an impact, go to our web page to get the next dates and all the contact info. Make sure you follow through on everything you need to do to get ready…Then, we’ll see you there!
Great to be back this weekend after a couple weeks away! I love my time with my family but always miss the gang back home! We are continuing our “Fist Full of Wisdom” series and many are saying that it’s really teaching them the vast difference between earthly wisdom and godly wisdom. Hint: Only one of these will ever lead to a rich and fulfilling life in Christ.
Our youth are away at DEVOTED which is more than just a fun camp—it’s just what it says—a chance for the students to take their walk with Christ from casual to committed. Please keep them all in prayer as they chase our great God this week!