We finished our “Divine” series yesterday—a journey through the Gospel According to John. I absolutely love the hope, grace, forgiveness and divinity presented in this great gospel account! Covering so much material in our final lesson yesterday was tough—therefore, I want to take this week to add a few things that time wouldn’t allow me to share.
The first one is the precious gift of forgiveness AND restoration that Jesus gave to Peter in chapter 21, verses 15-19. Three times Jesus calls Peter to ministry—the ministry of feeding the sheep (or teaching and caring for believers) to match the three times Peter had denied even knowing Jesus.
You can’t out sin God’s grace.
But why would you even try? After receiving the agape love that comes from God alone, how can we respond any other way but to love Him back? In these verses Jesus is gently showing Peter that the grace and forgiveness he (Peter) was receiving ought to (at some point) bring about a response of agape love. Three times Jesus asks Peter whether he loves Him (Jesus). The first two times Jesus uses the Greek word for love—agape (sacrificial, unconditional, God powered love). All three times Peter answers with the ‘friendship’ version of the word phileo (from where we get the phrase ‘brotherly love.’ For example, Philadelphia is known as the city of brotherly love…unless you actually live there!) Peter wasn’t there yet, but eventually he would be. So, the last time Jesus asks (the third time) He switches to the word, ‘Phileo.’ Why? Because, as I said, Peter wasn’t there yet and God knew it.
Peter would not say “I love you unconditionally” because he could not say it. He felt unworthy to say it and as yet did not fully comprehend the depths of Christ’s love and forgiveness—this would come in time. For now, Jesus was willing to meet him right here he was at! Isn’t that incredible?!
Again, aren’t you glad for the depths of Christ’s grace and mercy? He meets us where we are and waits patiently as we journey through life’s spiritual roller-coaster ride toward becoming the man or woman He shaped us to be…because He knows that despite all the whims and fancies we all chase after in life, to love Him with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength is really “what matters most.”
Not quite there yet?
“That’s okay for now,” Jesus says. “Right now, feed the sheep. Get involved in service. Learn to be generous…Let me use you and eventually the love will come.”