There must be a ginornous number of Christians out there wondering how they can live a more victorious Christian life. I know because one of the questions I get more than almost any other is just that… “Pastor Rob, how can I really make an impact?” Oh, it’s not always in those exact words. In fact, it’s asked a number of different ways, like,
- How can I draw closer to God?
- How can I love the abundant life Jesus talked so much about?
- How can I overcome the sin in my life?
- How can I break this addiction that has had me for so long?
- How can I learn to love greater?
- How can I ever forgive this person?
Great news. The answer is, “simple.”
Bad news, It’s not “easy.”
But if you really mean business this time, here it is.
Stop giving God ultimatums.
That’s right, Get rid of all those, “unless,” and “if” phrases you so often attach to your prayers.
- “God, I’ll forgive so and so if…”
- Or, “I’ll never forgive so and so, unless”
- Unless she changes, I’m not budging
- Unless God gives me a sign
- Unless the economy changes
- Unless I get that raise
“Unless” is an extremely powerful six letter word. It has the ability to drain the life force out of most any dream.
This weekend we will wrap up our nearly 2 year study through the gospel of John with one of my favorite issues – breaking the grip of excuses. It’s what so many of us need to hear, so I hope you will join us and invite everyone you can—especially those who so earnestly desire to live victorious Christian lives!
If you’re there this weekend—I promise, God is going to do something great in your life!
“Unless” you’re a no-show.