Like it or not. Agree with it or not. NOT everything goes for the believer in Jesus Christ. God’s Word points to many things that are simply off limits to us at anytime, for any reason.
- Worshiping false Gods
- Sex outside of marriage
- Adultery
- Stealing
You know, let’s start with the big 10—the 10 commandments. Have you noticed that our society has basically turned these from the 10 commandments to the 10 principles to the 10 suggestions to the 10 moderations? The only step left is to completely morph them into the 10 evils and tell everyone that successful people do the exact opposite of all 10. Who would have ever thought this could happen in their lifetime?
But the bigger question is, “How?” How in the world did it happen in one generation?
Two words (I like to keep things as simple as possible)—Patience and Consequences. Most of us have almost none of the first and ‘think’ there will be none of the second. This deadly one/two combination is one of Satan’s favorite tactics in the wearing down of any culture and society. And, with these 2 punches coming at us non stop, eventually, most of us just tucker out and give in. If you can’t beat’em—join’em.
Let’s zoom in now and take a look at the path this evil boxer punches us down with his repeated jabs…
- We sin (that’s right, “SIN”—not ‘mess-up,’ not ‘oops,’ but SIN) in anyone of the 10 areas but God by His grace does not bring immediate punishment. So, we reason, ‘It must not have been that bad.’
- We do it again—only worse this time. Still, nothing in the way of repercussions. Maybe, it’s not a bad thing at all, to, for example, flirt a little with the opposite sex when we are married.
- We notice that in the short run, what we are doing seems to be kinda fun—maybe even a little fulfilling in some warped way.
- We take it up (or ‘down’—depending on whose perspective) a notch in order to get an even bigger kick from the SIN. Maybe flirting moves to playful touching.
- Then, after a while this just doesn’t do it for us anymore. Time to take it up another notch (or 10). Oh, BTW, there still seem to be no consequences. In fact, it’s even better than that, we reason, “I’m happier than I’ve ever been!” <– Oh how I wish I had the proverbial “dollar for every time I’ve heard that one!” I’d really feel like I could single handedly pay off more than my fair share of the national debt!
- * Now’s when it gets critical. At this point consequences are beginning to show—but we may or may not see them as such. If we do not acknowledge our own sin as the cause, we will begin to spiral down into apathy and depression and guess who gets the blame when that happens? Yep, God. In times of difficulty, people sometimes say, “Why should I refrain? Why should I abstain? I just can’t take it anymore! This is all I’ve got. It’s not like God cares about me!” Listen to what the great apostle Peter says about this attitude…
I Peter 2:11, “Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul.”
Listen to what commentator and Pastor, Jon Courson says about this…
“Peter answers, “Even as things get tough, whatever you do, don’t give in to your fleshly lusts. Be careful. You’re vulnerable.
Perhaps better than anyone else, Peter knew what he was talking about, for he was one who succumbed to his fleshly lust when things got tough. He knows what he’s talking about when he begs us to abstain from the lusts of this world. Notice Peter doesn’t say, “Refrain temporarily,” or, “Know when to say when,” or, “Be sure to have a designated driver.” No, he says, “abstain completely.”
Back to the ‘path…’
7. Satan begins to whisper to you and I that God’s black and white rules are too restrictive. Take ‘abstinence’ for instance. He tells us that abstinence is way too old fashioned, legalistic, unrealistic, or harsh. That ‘his method of moderation’ (just know when to say when) is the way to go. However, by now, you are addicted to said behavior and simply abstaining isn’t quite as easy as it would have been early on.
8. Now you’re more mad at God than ever because you blame Him for not giving you the will power to change.
9. So you fight this new addiction in your own strength. It’s now a part of your life—thought it’s slowly killing you.
10. I’ll reveal this final place on the path tomorrow
Not a very pretty path is it? But a very effective one for getting believers off track and sidelined for Jesus. You see, Christ follower, Satan won’t come crashing into your life with the head of the largest Mexican drug cartel in tow. No, his strategy is far more subtle. He simple wants you to start with tiny compromises and to build from there—piece by piece until there is no more purity left of your life.
Watch this, The problem with lust is not that it hurts God or others. The problem with lust is that it wars against us. It tears us down as it wears us down. And it has a lot more in common with an out of control virus or cancer than anything harmless and fun. That’s why the answer to sin can never be moderation, caution or naivety. Nancy Reagan actually had t right on this one. We must just say “no!”