Easter being a mere days away, I am going to take a blog break and concentrate on the harvest for this weekend!
Hope you all understand and will join me when we pick up where we left off next week.
See ya then!
In the meantime…REMEMBER…
In a matter of days more people will go to church than on any other day of the year as they gather with friends and family to celebrate Easter. Sadly, most in America only have a vague idea of the true meaning of the day—if they have any idea at all. The celebration of the risen Lord Jesus Christ has been clouded over by Easter bunnies, colored eggs and chocolate candy. But aren’t you glad it doesn’t do a thing to actually dilute the power of the event?!
Jesus is risen!
He did conquer death and so can those who place their trust and hope in Him!
That’s great news for a lost and dying world who has so precious little of it these days! So, if you haven’t heard by now, Southbrook Church is going to blanket the city with a touch of the love of Christ in the days leading up to Easter. Our hope is to bring in those far from God to hear the message of salvation this Easter because they experienced Christ’s love through one of the members of Southbrook!
So, in the next 7-10 days we are asking each one of you (either as individuals or families) to give out the small cards pictured above (if you didn’t get one Sunday–stop by the church and pick one up) via one of the following methods:
- After paying for the meals of the car behind you in a drive through. Have the person in the window hand it to them).
- After purchasing the groceries of the family or individual behind you in the grocery store (have the clerk give it to them).
- After tipping your waiter or waitress the same amount as the entire meal cost! Leave the card with the ginormous tip. Oh, one more word on this one. You might want to make sure you determine in your heart not to complain about a single thing at the restaurant or regarding the service that day—no matter how it actually is.
And here’s another thing you can do to get the word out for Easter. Put out a yard sign out! You’d probably be shocked out of your gourd to know how many of your friends and neighbors already go to Southbrook Church. Tons of signs up in neighborhoods for a solid week will let everyone else know too! 400 of these signs arrived today at the church! Stop by and get one (or 2) today!
And then pray, pray, pray! God is going to do great things this Easter @ Southbrook Church!