Sunday Evening Mind Dump

  • Wrapped up our “Impact” series today with the message, “Mark the Future.” You can view it later this week from the Southbrook website or iTunes. Each year we do an impact series and present an opportunity for the family of Southbrook to tell us how much they want to do through generosity and serving. Nearly half of the entire goal was given or pledged in the 9:00 am service at Weddington alone—and we have a short time next week for people who weren’t able to respond today! I think it’s going to be a very impactful year for Christ!
  • Tomorrow morning is the first Monday morning Man-Up time. 6:15 for donuts and coffee and then we begin at 6:30 sharp—Hope you can make it, men!
  • Really excited about the start of our next series, “Overcome – The Story of Your Life!” It will be filled with stories of how people who have placed their trust in Jesus have overcome a variety of adversities and are now experiencing victory in their lives. You don’t want to miss this! Invite a friend!
  • If you are one of the 159 who committed to go to Haiti or Peru this year—the first dates (for the first 2 trips) are out. You can learn more at the Southbrook Church website. Remember, each trip can only take about 30 people so it will be first come, first serve.
  • Aren’t you glad we serve a God who makes it so easy for us to come to Him and relate to Him? Remember, Pray, Go, Give! It’s that easy for the Christ follower to get started. And what motivates us? 1. Realizing how much He loves us 2. Loving Him back and 3. Loving what He loves. Any church that really gets this—really connects with these truths from the heart—will be an unstoppable force for Jesus!
  • How do you make sure you have a ‘connection’ with the very things that God is passionate about? Answer: Spend time with Him. The more time you spend with God, the more passionate you will become about Him. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING is as important as spending personal time with God!
  • Brookies? Who are you inviting to Easter @ Southbrook this year? This year may be the most exciting series we’ve ever planned for Easter. I promise you—if you bring people, they will be changed! We will (as I said above) be stating the series, “Overcome” this next weekend with the message, “Ghostwriter (Who is writing the story of your life). Week 2 is “Author God” (What happens when we live out the purposes God created us for?) and finally, on Easter we will wrap it up with, “The Greatest Story Ever Told!” I hope to see all 4,000 plus people who call Southbrook home there with a friend! Wouldn’t that be incredible?! Start praying now about who you will invite!
  • They will know we are Christians by our love. The mark of a Christian is LOVE!