- I need to ask some of you for forgiveness. At the 9:00 am service I went into more detail about the text than I meant to with kids in the room! That wasn’t the plan, but once I read it I defaulted to what I always do—explaining the passage. Only problem was that I forgot to filter it a little more for little ears. I hope you will pardon my lapse of judgment there and trust me again with your kids in the future. BTW we will put the 11:00 am service on the web!
- Advice? Truth is, real little ones can be told simple, biblical truths in a tactful way and they mostly just say things like, “oh,” and move on. If it makes no sense, than they aren’t that interested in it. Don’t make a big deal of it and chances are they won’t either.
- It took nearly the entire year, but the last of our “Impact 2010” initiatives was fulfilled this past week with the hiring of our new Lifegroups pastor, Kevin Conklin!
- Loved sharing the stage with our Children’s Director, Kristi Thomas and our Students minister, Billy Almaguer! Everyone got to see our heart for the entire family! It’s great working with people who love what they do and feel called to a mission—not just a job!
- After the 11:00 service the Children’s building was packed with folks learning about the new partnership curriculum for Southbrook. We want to partner with parents to see kids pointed in a direction that sees hundreds (if not thousands) develop into fully committed followers of Jesus Christ. This is a great step! Here’s a couple pictures from the event…
- Can’t wait for UNLEASH this Thursday! Nearly 100 people are already signed up. We have about 10 spots left. Who wants to join us?! If that’s you–sign up HERE!
- Those already signed up for unleash—don’t forget that we have T-shirts for everyone. We want our group to stay together and easily be able to identify one another among the thousands—so plan on changing into the T-shirt when you arrive at the Church Thursday morning.
- Remember MEN—the Monday morning ‘Man up’ is tomorrow at 6:15 in the Weddington Student building. See you then for a great challenge from God’s Word to get you going for the week!
That’s all for now!