Been a while since we’ve seen this, huh?
But I dropped by the Monroe Campus today to visit with the amazing volunteers putting together the Prom Project 2011!
This year they saw more than twice as many as last year! The parking lost was packed and everyone seemed thrilled inside. I saw ‘seemed,’ because, being a guy, I was banned from entrance.
“But I’m the pastor!”
“I don’t care if you’re Peter Pan! It’s a lady’s only event!”
Just kidding. It was a ladies only event, but they were gracious enough to let me inside for a few minutes so that I could witness the wonderful work that was bring done to give free prom dresses to girls in Monroe. Not only were they giving away beautiful dresses, but they were also combining jewelry and other things (my wife informs me that the word I’m groping for here is, Accessorizing.) to make up the complete prom look! Both moms and daughters seemed really excited to be there and grateful to all the volunteers at the Closet who helped make this particular dream come true.
Here are a few pictures I took before the bouncers tossed me out.