Since today (or, yesterday for some of you) started our one year journey through the Bible, I wanted to kick it off with a couple thoughts about, well, the beginning…
I believe we need to not only spend time in God’s Word, but also to approach it for what it is—the wholly inspired, perfect Words of God. And we need to do so right from the start
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”
Genesis 1:1
Believe it or not, many veer off course right here at the very first verse in the Bible. And the ramifications are ginormous! You see, if you don’t agree with the statement in this very first verse, it will be difficult for you to receive what follows.
“Hey Pastor Rob, you’re not really saying you believe all that, ‘God created the heavens and the earth in six days stuff, are you? That’s not meant to be taken seriously—it’s allegory, man!—not even scientific!’”
Rude wake up call in…
Friends, the book we’re reading through this year does not claim to be a scientific text book. HOWEVER, whenever it touches on issues of science, it is absolutely infallible. And there hasn’t been a single proven scientific fact that contradicts a single statement in all of scripture!
“Whoa now, preacher boy! What about evolution? Genesis may address spirituality and theology, but it can’t be taken literally—not in this day and age when the theory of evolution has been accepted by everyone!”
Two key words in that protest…
1. Theory
2. Everyone
First, evolution remains exactly what it’s still labeled—a theory. But what many do not realize is that it is a bankrupt one at that. Today scientists are abandoning the theory faster then people were getting off the Titanic. And this includes agnostics and those who have no interest whatsoever in the Bible. There are many reasons for this—like the fact that it violates one the most fundamental/foundational principles and laws in all of science—the Second Law of Thermodynamics (which, BTW, is not a theory or hypothesis like evolution, but rather a basic principle which says that everything goes from order to disorder—not the other way around). That alone kills Darwinian Evolutionary Theory (the original brand that almost no reputable scientist holds to completely anymore).
Secondly, “everyone” hardly applies any longer—today many scientists are ready to jettison the entire framework in favor of some sort of cosmic, intelligent design (think aliens, the force, star wars, anything…other than God). And the latest Gallup polls still show that most Americans quietly believe in a God’s involvement over the random, meaningless, cosmic accident that’s been spoon fed us for nearly 100 years now.
But all this is getting me off point.
Which way are YOU going to go as you set off on the adventure through the entire Bible in a year?
Cherry pick it?
This is dangerous for obvious reasons–first and foremost being–WHO decides what stays and what goes? Who decides what God meant and what He didn’t mean? This, as I’m sure you can imagine, has lead to disastrous results.
· People who want out of their marriage just say that God doesn’t really mean that stuff about adultery.
· People who want to get ahead rename lies, “little white lies” and say God doesn’t expect us to be honest all the time.
· Those who get caught up in homosexuality just say those parts are ‘outdated’ and not meant for today’s sophisticated culture.
See what I mean? By the time we’re done approaching the Bible like this there won’t be anything left of it!
No, it’s all or nothing.
God wrote it or He didn’t. So we can’t pick and choose.
What about taking the whole thing as an allegory?
Fact or Fiction?
If you believe the Bible is just a collection of fairytales than I would have to tell you that you are wasting your time reading it (unless your praying that God would give you the faith to believe) and it may be a long year for you. But I’d still rather you keep right on going because I believe even those who start this way won’t finish this way. The Word of God is powerful and has a way of piercing through all our defenses!
“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12
AND, we never truly waste any time at all when reading this powerful book—the words are never read without some result! Check out Isaiah 55:11,
“It is the same with my word.
I send it out, and it always produces fruit.
It will accomplish all I want it to,
and it will prosper everywhere I send it.”
So, let the journey begin…
in faith!