100 Day Bible Reading Challenge.  Days 86 – 90

A lot of people want to be known as a leader.  Many people feel that they have the qualities and skills it takes to lead others.  But if you’re not working on improving your personal life and keeping it healthy, you may be out of balance and hurting yourself and the ones you love.

Paul wrote his letters to Timothy to train and encourage this young leader.  He also underlined the importance of keeping personal and professional life in balance.  So many times, we feel that in order to excel in our work, our family and friends need to be a lesser priority.  In fact, by strengthening our personal relationships, we are really improving our health in the workplace.

John Maxwell writes about this in his book, 360o Leader:

“For years one of my definitions of success has been this:  having those closest to me love and respect me the most.  That is what is most important.  I want the love and respect of my wife, my children, and my grandchildren before I want the respect of anyone I work with.  Don’t get me wrong.  I want the people who work with me to respect me too, but not at the expense of my family.  If I blow managing myself at home, then the negative impact will spill over into every area of my life, including work.”

I also love how Paul encourages Timothy through his instructions in I Timothy 6:11

“But you, man of God…”

How those words must have lifted Timothy.  Paul was telling him that he had a duty to keep his relationship with Jesus Christ healthy as well.  This defined Timothy just as our relationship with Christ needs to define us.

If you want to lead, you better be in balance first.

Pastor Dave

P.S. Parents, follow along with your kids here