I Get No Respect!

Remember this famous line from Rodney Dangerfield? If ever his comedy was failing, he would lapse back into the famous line, “I get no respect!”

People thought it was hilarious! I thought it was hilarious. But I also remember looking at him as a kid and thinking, “Who would respect him? He’s a total dork!” Of course he was trying to be–it was all part of the act. However; in real life, it’s no laughing matter when men act so irresponsibly that it’s embarrassing. It’s not funny when men prolong adolescence and instead of mastering themselves and living all out for God, they master Halo on their XBox.

Last week we took a look at one simple verse in scripture that holds the key to a great marriage. There’s one simple truth for men and one for women.

Ephesians 5:33 says,

“…let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she(B) respects her husband.”

The men are to love their wives

The women are to respect their husbands

Men, in today’s culture this isn’t very PC, but who cares? God says it will lead to a great relationship. So who are you going to believe? God or man.

Just one helpful tip for this. Make sure we are worthy of that respect! That’s half the battle!

It’s next to impossible to respect a Rodney Dangerfield.

This weekend @ Southbrook Weddington and Southbrook Monroe, my wife and I will continue our relationship series, “Heartbreak Warfare!” Invite a friend or 10 and see God move in their lives!

Hope to see you there!