Sunday Evening Mind Dump

Wow! Another amazing weekend @ Southbrook Church, and this after teaching on the greatest feared topic of all time–“MONEY!”

“Money, money money money…MONEY!” That’s a great song, huh?

Let’s face it, people don’t want to talk about their stuff. We can talk about nearly anything else on the planet before we’re willing to hear what God has to say about our bling! But God moved anyway!

  • Yes people got up and left in two of the four services. Apparently, this series is already hitting home. Actually, I have yet to teach on stewardship without someone getting offended. After this weekend, my record stays unblemished!
  • Yes, people were convicted. Something else that always happens more when I preach on this subject than nearly any other–people actually get convicted about the possibility that they have been robbing God. How do I know? Many of you came and told me after each service!
  • WAIT! Before my ADHD mind forgets, remember MEN, tomorrow morning is the first Monday of the month, so it’s time to man up!! See you at the Weddington campus bright and early!
  • Back to our stuff. That’s just it, it’s not really–‘ours‘ . We don’t own anything that wasn’t given us by God. The reason so many “Christians” struggle with tithing is because we don’t understand this simple truth. Luke 16:1-3 says, 1He also said to the disciples, “There was a rich man who had(A) a manager, and charges were brought to him that this man was wasting his possessions. 2And he called him and said to him, ‘What is this that I hear about you? Turn in the account of your(B) management, for you can no longer be manager.’ 3And the manager said to himself, ‘What shall I do, since my master is taking the management away from me? I am not strong enough to dig, and I am ashamed to beg.” You and I are not owners, we are managers.
  • My heart always goes where I put (God’s ) money. Not sometimes, not most of the time…ALWAYS! Our hearts bend the direction of our investments and this is true of not only our investments of money, but also of our time and talents. They are the three principles I talked about…The “Time principle,” The Talent Principle,” and the Treasure Principle.” But the Treasure Principle is the real litmus test. We can give both our time and our talents to the building up of God’s kingdom; however, if God doesn’t have control of our finances then He doesn’t have our hearts. Our hearts follow our stuff…period. Didn’t Jesus say as much in Luke 12:34? “Where ever your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
  • Heaven is our Home–Not Earth. Most Christians will acknowledge this with their lips, but to live like they believe it? That’s another story entirely. Do you realize, Christ Follower, that you are an ambassador here on earth? You are charged with the mission of bringing God’s good news to those who are lost. Ambassadors realize that the country they are ambassador too is not their own–Christians need to know this too!
  • The 100 Days Boot Camp is going great for most everyone. I want to encourage all of you to keep it up! And make sure you are faithful to the entire challenge–hold nothing back this next 100 days and God will richly bless your life (notice I didn’t say, “bless you with riches!”). He might even bless you financially as a fringe benefit, who knows? God is good!