Many of you never get the chance to hear the stories behind the numbers when we have these big days @ Southbrook. Truth is, every single salvation is a beautiful story. And no one randomly wandered in by some cosmic accident–God was at work in each individual’s life–sometimes for years.
Sometimes for decades.
All to get them to that moment of truth–that bending of the knee to Jesus Christ and the adoption into the very family of God! What could be greater? What could ever be ,more important?!
This week I will be sharing some of the stories with you and also asking those of you who made decisions for Christ over the last two weeks to share your stories with me. The greatest moments in life should not be kept secret. Let’s tell the world what Jesus did for us!
Ok, I’ll break the ice. The first story is short and sweet–I know very little about this individual except that her brokeness and true repentence will forever be etched in my mind and on my heaet.
Week one of Wimpy Christian say nearly 100 people give their lives to Christ. And I really beleive these weren’t flippant, meaningless acknowledgments because I really went there about taking up your cross and following Jesus. This isn’t about standing up, raising your hand or coming forward. This is about coming to the end of ourselves and the beginning of God.
So, I really stressed repentance.
Saying that true repentance drives us to our knees. I was trying ot paint a picture of brokeness.
Some would argue that I went too far–perhaps scaring some away. Understand that I know there are those who wish to make that moment as easy as possible–anonymous, just do what everyone else is doing, having others walk the isle to sort of prime the pump, etc. But I just don’t see this in the Bible. Jesus was always full of love and mercy when He presented the gospel, but it’s not like He promised everyone who raised their hands a free pass to Carowinds theme park! Deciding to follow Jesus doesn’t come cheep (and should never be presented that way). Truth is, it will cost you something–actually, everything! Jesus wants all of you, not just bits and pieces. In fact, for the most effective presentation of the gospel I know of we can look to Acts chapter 2 and Peter’s sermon. If you want to read it now, click here. But I want to draw your attention more to the end result. Here is the people’s genuine response…
“37When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” 38Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ”
Cut to the heart? Now that’s wht the truth ought to produce!
Ok, back to 2 weeks ago…
Well, when the moment came to invite people to come to Christ, one woman could not wait. As I started to pray with them, she dropped to her knees, weeping and cryed out to God.
No, not screaming or anything–just from her heart. But if you saw her, you would have no doubt that God heard and she would never be the same.
If you’re reading this, ma’am, I would love to hear about the journey that brought you home to Jesus that day. Send me an email so I can celebrate with you.
And that goes for all 126 of you. Tell me your story that God’s Son would receive all the glory!