If you missed parts one and two of this series, click here then here.
Ok, bottom line—sometimes life will get so cloudy and convoluted that you truly don’t know which spiritual end is up. Think about some of the things life can and often does send our way…
- Friends can dessert you.
- Churches can fail you.
- God can seem to go silent.
- You can lose a job.
- Lose a loved one
- Lose you retirement.
- See a marriage break apart
- Up can seem like down
- Black like white
- Darkness like Light
- Good like bad
- Bad like good
- The good guys are all of the sudden the bad guys and visa versa
When this happens you will feel adrift—like God has pushed you out to sea with no way to find your bearings.
That’s where markers come in—marker moments and physical, tangible markers too. They act as buoys or lighthouses. They are unmovable even in the storms of life and a safe and refreshing place to return to when all else comes apart. I want to close this series with some of the markers in my life I return to time and time again. They never fail me.
- God’s Word (The Bible)
- Specifically—the promises of the Bible.
- People who spoke into my life years ago and who have stood the test of time and trials and remain faithful to the King of Kings
- My special tree (I’m going to make the trip to that tree a regular pilgrimage now
- Jesus!
- My wife, Michelle
- Nathan and Juliana
And I recently added some new ones because God is constantly adding markers to our lives, knowing how important they can be to each of us…
As for what (or who they are). God knows. And so do I.
If you want to read more about markers in God’s Word, see the following passages:
- Gen 28:19–21
- Ex. 13:15–17
- Num. 15:36–38 (The Message)
- Ps. 67:1–3 (The Message)
- Rom. 4:10–12
- Heb. 13:17–19
Honestly, there are so many passages about markers and marker moments that I really can’t list them all. But start with these and soon a theme will emerge for you…God creates special moments in our lives not only to altar our present course, but also to look back on in order to stay the course!