Wow! What a summer! Thanks to all of you for allowing me a little break from blogging, face booking, twitterring and any other social media craziness that tends to suck the life out of us without our ever knowing it. This summer I narrowed my ‘friends list’ for a time to God and family and it was so refreshing. It’s amazing what the Lord will tell us when we are still and listen!
Over the next few weeks—and maybe even months—I want to share some of it with you. Not all, mind you—some was just for me and God—sorry. But much was so exciting I won’t be able to help but pass it on. And the first of these exciting things will be this little blog series on a thing I call, “Markers.”
To me (and you too—though you may not know it) markers are HUGE!
What are ‘markers’ you say?
Good question. Maybe I should explain.
Markers are a lot like highlights in our lives—you know, the things you remember—the things that truly stand out. There is; however, one important difference. Markers are more powerful than just a memory. Markers are so powerful they change the trajectory of our lives—if they don’t—most likely the event wasn’t a real marker moment—just a nice (or the opposite, ‘painful’) memory.
Are markers memories? Sure. They are that at the very least, but they are so much more. For the Christ follower, a marker moment is an encounter with God so vivid, so convicting, powerful, impacting and permanent that it, well…leaves a mark—usually directional in nature. In other words, this mark is like an arrow pointing you in an entirely different direction, closer to God and His plan for you and further away from self exaltation.
Think about that for a moment.
It’s important, because every good thing God has for us usually has a corresponding ‘bad thing’ Satan uses as a counterfeit. That’s right, Satan has counterfeit markers he uses to try and lure us away form following God and His best for us. Learn to recognize them (I’ll talk about them a bit in this series).
For now, know this. It’s great to be back home from New York and a certain island, a certain tree and a very powerful ‘marker moment’ in my life 30 years ago!
Tell you about it tomorrow.