- Had a wonderful and relaxing week at the beach! Singletons and Watkins, second year running! Hope we make a tradition of this one! The Watkins are dear friends of ours who ha a job relocation to Texas. But every summer we reunite at Litchfield Beach for fun and sun! Oh, did I mention that they have a chocolate Lab named ‘Duke’ who happens to be Bear’s (my chocolate Lab) “little” brother? This year we were almost outnumbered by dogs with Bear, Duke, Paws (my little girl’s yellow Lab) and Strider (the yappiest Terrier on planet earth!). I’ll get some pictures up later this week.
- Spending a sabbatical time this summer after 10 years pastoring Southbrook. Thanks Brookies for giving me this much needed time! Pray that I will hear clearly the Lord’s voice for direction for the next 10 years!
- The kids are growing up waaaaay too fast. This is the summer of camps and soccer and dance—not necessarily in that order.
- Snuck into our Southbrook Monroe campus today to hear Perry Noble’s One Prayer message. It was awesome! Seriously, it really spoke to me. If you missed it, make sure to catch the video on our website later this week.
- Can seriously NOT WAIT for “Diary of a Wimpy Christian” to begin. I have been chewing on this one for a long time!
- Hope everyone can make it this coming week. I have a One Prayer message tailor made for Southbook Church! Seriously, you do not want to miss this one!
- Well, I’m off to sleep. My father in law is here (some of you know him as Bob the Builder) and we are attempting to clear a gazillion trees from the yard.
- To keep up on all that is going on this summer—you can go to any one of the following (or all of them
) and follow along…
- Facebook (providing you can still stomach all the garbage it allows—For me that’s becoming a very big “IF!”
- Facebook (Southbrook Church)
- Facebook (fan page. Even typing that feels lame!)
- My blog (please forgive the summer slackness!)
See ya soon!