Sunday Evening Mind Dump

I love Father’s Day! My kids always make it special (with the help of Michelle, I suspect). They really know how to make a dad feel loved!

  • Objectives of today’s message were to keep the message simple and short. I was 1 for 2.
  • The three words to remember were Lean, Lead and Love. Don;t forget men, to lean on Jesus, Lead your families and love God first, your wife second and then your children. Yes, in that order!
  • We welcomed Dave Kush to the Southbrook team today. Everyone is so excited to have him here now in the role of executive pastor. If you get a chance to welcome him and his family I encourage you to take it. They are going to be a great help to us—especially me—the one born without an administrative gene!
  • Spent the day with some dear old friends from the early days of Southbrook Church—the Wassers! It was great to see you all again. Wish it could be more frequent!
  • This next weekend begins our series, UNSTOPPABLE! I’m excited about it because I have a message that’s burning a hole in my heart and needs to be delivered!
  • This was a hard week at the Singleton home. Our yellow lab, Nala dies after 15 1/2 years with us. That’s longer than Michelle and I have even been married. She got Nala when we were dating! She was older than both our kids and thye’ve known her since they were babies. She will be greatly missed!
  • My son and I are obsessed about world cup soccer—especially the USA—we rock! And yes, they were robbed in that last game!