Against You and You Alone

One thing about Psalm 51 (one of my favorite Psalms BTW) that has always bugged me is when David says,

“Against you, you only, have I sinned.”

The New Living Translation says, “Against you, and you alone, have I sinned.”

King James,

“Against thee, thee only, have I sinned.”

I through that last one in there for you ‘King James only” Bible thumpers who (before seeing it in black and white) were ready to call down fire and brimstone because everyone knows that’s not the ONLY translation anyone should ever use.

See the issue I have?

“God and God alone?”

Where did Davy go to school anyway? Did they not teach simple arithmetic? Every time I read this psalm and I get to verse 4 I want to shout, “Look behind you, Dave! There’s a lot more than one body in your wake!”

Don’t think so? Having trouble remembering? Let me help you…

  • How about Bathsheba’s husband, Uriah?! Doesn’t he at least deserve a plaque or something for giving his life so you could steal his wife?!
  • And then there’s Joab. You make him do your dirty work for you! Nice. Real nice.
  • And what about all those men we read about in 2 Samuel 11:17? You know, the ones you wrapped around Uriah in order to make it all look like a mere hazard of war? Yeah, those guys. How many of them were there anyway? Oh, that’s right, you don’t do math.”
  • Then there’s all the members of your family (and there were quite a few because you disobeyed God and took many wives for yourself, but that’s another topic altogether—or is it?
  • Even Bathsheeba was a casualty to some degree. Think she hated her husband, Uriah? I know I’m just reading between the lines here, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that they had a good thing going. The dude was incredibly honorable. Which reminds me…
  • Wasn’t he actually one of your 600 mighty men? You know, the ones who lived in caves with you and protected you—putting their own lives on the line year after year for more than 10 years—The whole time King Saul was trying to kill you?
  • Then what about the broken trust and faith in the rest of the mighty men? I’m not even going to go into that!
  • Truly, I could go on and on but I think the point is made…


How in the world do you get off saying you only wronged God?!

And why is it recorded in stone in the Word of God for all eternity?

What gives?

Well, it’s bugged me for so long I might as well figure it out. Why don’t we do this together. Think about it and I’ll get back with you tomorrow. Facebook me with some answers if you want!