A Worship Problem — Part 4

Worship_PraiseLet’s wrap this up, k? I planned on being back in the afternoon to do that very thing…TWO DAYS AGO! Alas, I’ve let you all down. I have no defense and should simply fall upon my sword, or—

You could simply read one more entry in this series a couple days late and forgive and forget.

What do you say? Shall we let bygones be bygones?


Then click here, and here  for parts one and two and then we should all be on the same page—this one.

Ok, so we left off with this statement,

“first we have to understand how we got in this mess in the first place.”

The answer to that is both simple and sad.

Man has a natural tendency to want to be boss. <— The problem is that simple. No matter what, we think we know better than anyone else. The sad part is that ‘anyone else’ often includes God.

Isn’t that strange? That a finite creature would ever imagine himself smarter than his creator? It’s laughable, illogical and downright mad but it doesn’t stop each and every successive generation from giving it a whirl.

And that’s a problem…

A worship problem.

Because God alone is worthy of worship. God alone is on the throne and it’s a one person throne. One throne and a life of musical chairs. And it seems to me that for a lot of us the music is mostly on pause…

and you know what that means. Fight for the chair—or in this case, throne. But can I let you in on a secret?

God’s not playing musical thrones with His seat. He is a generous God, but that’s one thing He does not share.

Ever. And, as I said, that’s a problem…for us.

A worship problem.

But it’s a simple one.

De-throne anyone and anything other than God on the throne of your heart and PRESTO! Problem solved.

No more worship problem.

Now get to work! Some of you have some cleaning up to do in the throne room of your life.