* Don’t forget that our Midweek Study designed to remove the single greatest obstacle to living the life you’ve always wanted continues tomorrow night @ 6:30 PM in the main auditorium of Southbrook Weddington. Cya there!
Samaritan’s Feet, one of Southbrook’s global outreach partners, was founded by a man named Manny Obonme who grew up in the streets of
This was part of our mission. To bring shoes to the Mayan children, wash their feet, and share the Good News of Jesus.
The Mayan children have short, fat, little feet. Precious feet. I wantd to kiss them all! Many feet were very dirty but in some of the villages, it was clear that they had “washed up” for this special day.
We followed Jesus’ example by washing the little feet. And I can tell you that God greatly blessed me during this very special one on one time.
So if I, the Master and Teacher, washed your feet, you must now wash each other’s feet. I’ve laid down a pattern for you. What I’ve done, you do. If you understand what I’m telling you, act like it—and live a blessed life. John 13:11-17 selected verses (MSG)
In one village, X-cabil, the people were especially sweet and happy. I could feel God’s presence through the overall gentle spirit radiating from these villagers. I was brought to tears during the foot washing more than once with the Abuelas praying by my side, hugs from the children and heart felt gratitude for the new shoes. Each child made sure to tell me, “Muchas Gracias.”