Sunday Evening Mind Dump

I have an issue (ok, ok—so I have several). This is the one for today though.

I hate being away from Southbrook Church! Really, I hate it. I feel like I’m missing out whenever I am somewhere else—even on vacation.

At the same time, I love to get away with my favorite people in the whole world—my family!

Kind of a catch 22.

But today we solved that dilemma—sort of.

Today I was with the Southbrook family—virtually. We filmed the 3rd installment of “IMPACT” from Mexico. We wanted our people to see what it was really like ministering to the Mayan people. So we took them there—virtually.

Almost live, I call it. Next best thing to being there. And here are my thoughts on that as well as other things that went on this week at Southbrook Church…

  • Thanks to Ryan York for flying down with us to film our experience with the Mayan people! He also put a gazilion hours into editing the video message for this weekend and it was awesome!
  • Thanks to his brand new bride, Melissa, for letting us borrow him for a few days. That’s huge!
  • Loved meeting our newest members tonight in the 101 membership class. Southbrook keeps right on growing with wonderful people who love the vision of this great place!
  • Hard to watch the video and not wish (at least a part of me) to be back with those joy filled people who seem to have nothing but act like they have everything!
  • The Mayans have forever etched in my mond the powerful truth that you don’t need STUFF to find contentment in life. You just need JESUS!
  • Really getting into Mark Batterson’s book, “Primal!” You should read it.
  • Also personally going through the “Bait of Satan” AGAIN. I want our body to be ready for the next time Satan throws his same old darts our way. He seldom comes up with anything new, so it does a body good to be aware of how he operates and the division he tries to create in God’s church.
  • Ever notice how Christians agree vehemently with how wrong certain things are? That is until they become the one supposed exception to the rule.
  • Tithes and offerings are up substantially at Southbrook. Praise God. That’s the good news. But I still pray for the day when we see equal sacrifice form everyone—not equal gifts, mind you—but at least equal sacrifice since the church is a family.
  • A man who claims he walks with God but has not surrendered his finances will always walk with a limp.
  • Here’s 2 more convicting tithe realities from Perry Noble…
  • The only people who really get upset when you speak on money are those who are robbing God…just like the only ones who get mad when you preach on adultery are…well…you get the picture.
  • According to Jesus and the Scriptures…it is IMPOSSIBLE for us to say we are fully devoted followers of Jesus and NOT give!
  • Couple more good books really challenging my thinking right now; Primal by Mark Batterson, Lynch Pins by (Can’t remember his name), Sticky Church (Osborne?). I really need to pay attention to the author on the binding of these things!
  • Thinking of doing a series on, “Practical Atheists.” I’ve seen this at a couple churches and it reminds me how many of us say we believe one thing yet live like we believe nothing! Who are we kidding whn we do this?
  • Final Impact is this coming weekend. Don’t miss this!


Time for bed—over and out!